Free sexual health check/consult services. Pre-covid this was a walk-in service.
They provide an anonymous service (ie they do take personal details when you arrive however no data collected is passed onto any other government health services, and privacy is protected). In 2021 in order to get an appointment you need to phone in first and get a phone consult, and only if you describe an STI symptom do they book you in for an appointment.
DISCLAIMER: this information is provided for educational purposes, and does not constitute personal medical advice. If you have any medical concerns you should consult your doctor always.
Less easily treated STIs ( Hep-C ). Hep-C can be identified by, Itchy skin, fatigue, poor appetite, dark coloured urine. It can be treated with a course of tablets over a number of weeks.
Incurable STIs ( HIV ), HIV is the name of the virus, AIDS describes the condition or series of symptoms that occurs after the virus has taken hold. There is no 'cure' for HIV, however there are very effective treatments that completely supress the virus with a single pill 1 per day for the majority of people who are infected. You can prevent HIV infection by taking a pill called PREP, ask your doctor for a script for PREP if you feel your sexual activity requires it. PREP stands for 'pre-exposure prophylaxis'. It is a single pill taken daily which eliminates HIV in your system before it has a chance to take hold. HIV normally takes 2-4 weeks to take hold (sero-conversion). HIV is easily preventable using PREP, and easily treatable using one of several HIV medication/options, in the form of a daily pill.
Promiscious men or sex workers routinely and effectively manage their sexual health using the above described methods. However you should ensure you are confident in managing your own sexual health if you are considering regular unprotected sex with multiple partners.